E-Bulletin September until December 2019 Nilai Springs Resort Hotel

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E-Bulletin September until December 2019

Newsletter – September until December edition

From the desk of Club Manager

Warmest greetings to all valued members.

As we have come to the end of year 2019, I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for your strong support in the past.

Improving the club facilities has been our continual effort. Many improvements have been carried out on the golf course itself.

On the other notes, I would like to congratulate our winner of Merdeka Golf Challenge and Nilai Springs Amateur Open 2019 with the excellent gross score. Look out for more details.

We welcome any constructive feedback to improve our services. Lastly, I hope all members and families had a joyful holiday season and wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Happy golfing!

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